The Norad Conference 2023

Re-view the presentations below.


09.00-10.00 Leadership in turbulent times

The world we want when we are 50 / Vanessa Nakate, Climate activist

Welcome to The Norad Conference / Bård Vegar Solhjell, Director General, Norad

Risks and responsibilityBjørg Sandkjær, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Speech Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General, World Trade Organisation

A call for leadershipAmina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, UN

10.00-10.30 Break
10.30-12.00 Climate & inequality

Speech / Wanjira Mathai, Managing Director, Africa and Global Partnerships, WRI

Climate and Inequality - launch of the World Inequality Report / Lucas Chancel, PSE Affiliate Researcher, Co-Director, and Philipp Bothe, Economist. Both World Inequality Lab, Paris School of Economics

A talk on inequality and what needs to be doneLucas Chancel and Marianne Marthinsen, Director, strategy, insight and analysis, Finance Norway

China's Path from Poverty to the Gilded AgeYuen Yuen Ang, Professor of Political Economy, Johns Hopkins University

12.00-12.40 Lunch
12.40-14.00 Financing the future

Climate Action and the World Bank Group RoadmapMari Pangestu, Managing Director, Development Policy and Partnerships, World Bank

The cost of a safer future - launch of reportLars Loe, Policy Director, Norad

Scaling up financing for development, climate and nature / Amar Bhattacharya, Senior Fellow at the Global Economy and Development Program, Brookings Institution and Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics

How to finance the future? / Amar Bhattacharya (Brookings/LSE), Wanjira Mathai (WRI), Mari Pangestu (World Bank), Bård Vegar Solhjell (Norad)

14.00-15.00 Hva kan Norge gjøre?

Samarbeid for å nå måleneSvein Tore Holsether, President and CEO, Yara

Hvilket ansvar bør Norge ta?Astrid Hoem, leader Worker’s Youth League, Ola Svenneby, leader Norwegian Young Conservatives, Gina Gylver, leader Nature and Youth. Moderator: Nora Rydne, E24

Thank you!Jorun Nossum, Master of Ceremonies

15.00-17.00 After Conference mingling
Publisert 23.01.2023
Sist oppdatert 23.01.2023