Department for Evaluation

The department is mandated to initiate and carry out independent evaluations of any activity financed over the Norwegian aid budget. The Department of Evaluation is governed under a separate mandate for evaluating the Norwegian Development Aid Administration and reports directly to the Secretary Generals of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Climate and Environment. Go to to download the mandate.

    Tori Hoven

    Fungerende avdelingsdirektør

    • Jostein Furelid TellnesSenior Adviser
    • Anja ØvregaardAdviser
    • Tove Heggli SagmoSenior Adviser
    • Kjersti LøkenAdviser
    • Javier Mata FabraSenior Adviser
    • Anne Mette Teigen Asselin de WilliencourtSenior Adviser


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