
Departments within Norad

Director General

Norad’s Director General is the head of the agency. The Director General’s staff provides thematic input and strategic advice to the senior management.

Internal Audit and Investigations

The Internal Audit works to promote and protect Norad's values by providing risk-based and objective confirmations, advice and insight. Cases of suspected financial irregularities are also handled by the internal audit.

Department for Communications

The department is responsible for communicating the results of development cooperation and achievement of the SDGs.

Department for Operation Management

The department is responsible for budgeting, governance, administrative systems and digitalisation.

Department for Organisational Development

The department is responsible for organisational development, HR and joint services.

Department for Knowledge and Innvoation

The department is responsible for systematic knowledge management, aid statistics and analysis.

Department for Evaluation

The department is mandated to initiate and carry out independent evaluations of any activity financed over the Norwegian aid budget.

Department for Human Development

The department is charged with matters related to global health, education, including higher education and research, human rights and gender equality.

Department for Climate, Nature and the Private Sector

The department is responsible for aid and advisory services in the areas of food security, agriculture, green transition, maritime life, rainforests and the environment.

Department for​​​​​​​ Partnerships and Shared Prosperity

The department is responsible for cooperation with, mobilisation of and funding of aid through multilateral organisations, civil society and industry.

Department for the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine

The Department for the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine is responsible for managing the civilian and humanitarian support of the Nansen Support Programme, around 7.5 billion kroner annually.

Panorama news

Bistandsaktuelt is an independent trade journal on development aid and international development. The editor-in-chief is responsible for the content.