Mødre- og barnedødelighet: Satsing på digital innovasjon for å bøye kurven

Norad inviterer til faglig seminar om mHelse for å dele kunnskap og konsolidere innsats for å tilrettelegge for oppskalering.
11 Jun. 2014 - 1 Jan. 0001

8:30 - 0:00

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Norad, 4th floor - Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo

Ruseløkkveien 26, Oslo

Digital Innovations for Bending the Curve - A Thrust for Scale

Norad has the pleasure to invite for a mHealth seminar to share knowledge and consolidate efforts in order to drive scale.  

Technical and social innovations have greatly enhanced global health by improving the efficiency, access and cost of interventions. Child mortality has declined from 12, 6 million in 1990 to less than 6,6 million in 2012. This is largely due to innovations in vaccines, drugs, diagnostics, health devices and digital tools.

Nevertheless, a huge task still lies ahead. Every day 800 mothers die in childbirth. Every day 8000 newborns die. There is a pressing need to reach unserved populations in hard to reach areas if we are to bend the curve to attain significant reduction in these figures, and at the same time accelerate progress towards achieving the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Healthcare delivery is currently undergoing a paradigm shift with digital innovations. Over the past few years, new tools and approaches have been developed and deployed in a way that nobody expected. In order to translate this great potential into benefits for the unserved populations in developing countries, Norway has been at the forefront of efforts to promote digital solutions in global health.

Through thriving collaboration with various global and national stakeholders, these efforts have been focusing on providing evidence on impact and cost-effectiveness, knowledge sharing, information exchange, and on supporting scale based on country-led strategies.

It is against this background, Norad has the pleasure to invite for a mHealth seminar, which will have the following objectives:

  • To take stock of the e&mHealth status. 
  • To understand new developments and future trends.
  • To share knowledge and consolidate efforts to drive scale. 



Welcome Remarks

  • Villa Kulild, Norad Director
  • Introduction: Where have we come from? What was foreseen? Tore Godal, Special Adviser in Global Health for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

e/mHealth Applications

  • mHealth innovation as health system strengthening tools: 12 common application and a visual framework - Alain Labrique, Johns Hopkins Global mHealth Initiative
  • Digitalizing Health Information System at scale – District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) as case – Kristin Braa, HISP
  • Information Technology for Result Based Finance (ICT4RBF) & DHIS2: synergies for scale – Nicolas De Borman, Blue Square
  • mHealth for Non- communicable Diseases (mHealth4NCDs) – Helge Blindheim, Norwegian Health Directorate
  • Training and Job-Aiding Health Workers at Scale – Swathya Slate Device as a case – Kanav Kahol, Public Health Foundation of India

Mingling  and lunch

Barriers to scale and some emerging lessons on how to overcome them

  • Beyond the pioneer – Getting Inclusive Industries to Scale - Harvey Koh, Deloitte
  • Enabling the environment for scale – the case of Nigeria, Information and Communication Technology for Saving One Million Lives (ICT4SOML) Patricia Mechael, mHealth Alliance
  • mHealth in Emerging Markets - Telenor
  • Sustainable Business model and value chain partnership for scale - Craig Friderichs, GSMA
  • Demand Creation / Behaviour Change Communication at Scale - Kirsten Gagnaire, MAMA

Closing Sessions

  • Conversation between Tore Godal and Amie Batson looking back on what has been achieved due to innovations and providing some insights into future trends. Moderator: Lars Grønseth, Global Health Section - Norad
  • Key take-home messages - Helga Fogstad, Head of Global Health – Norad