Program for Norad-konferansen 2011

Norad ønsker velkommen til konferanse om bistand til land i konfliktområder. Her vil også Norads resultatrapport 2011 bli presentert. Den handler i år om resultater av norsk bistand i konfliktsituasjoner.

Disse kommer

  • Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, president i Liberia og en av årets Nobels fredsprisvinnere.
  • Emilia Pires, finansminister i Øst-Timor
  • Erik Solheim, Norges miljø- og utviklingsminister
  • Mary B. Anderson, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects
  • Stein Tønnesson, Universitetet i Uppsala og Prio
  • Asbjørn Wee i OECD DAC
  • Villa Kulild, direktør i Norad

H.K.H Kronprinsen vil være til stede på Norad-konferansen.

Etter presentasjonen av Norads resultatrapport, blir det debatt med medlemmer av Stortingets utenriks- og forsvarskomité.

Det blir også korte innlegg fra Kirkens Nødhjelp, Redd Barna og Norsk Folkehjelp om å støtte fred i praksis.

Conflict and development - what have we learnt?

Conference Agenda

08.00 – 09.00: 

Welcome by Villa Kulild, Director General, Norad

Dialogue between President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Minister Erik Solheim, moderated by journalist Bjørn Hansen. Perspectives on building peace and lessons learnt, with a particular focus on gender.

09.00 – 10.30: The roles of insiders and outsiders in fragile situations

  • Emilia Pires: Minister of Finance and Chair of g7+: Local ownership and the fragile states’ demand for a “New Deal”
  • Mary B. Anderson: Outsider support to insider development and peace
  • Asbjørn Wee: The OECD-DAC Principles for international engagement in fragile situations: Can’t we do better?

10.30 – 11.30: Making peace last

Stein Tønnesson: What brings a region from war to non-war or peace - The example of East Asia

Panel discussion, moderated by Bjørn Hansen
11.30 – 12.00: Lunch

12.00 – 13.00: Results in Norwegian development cooperation *)

Villa Kulild: Launching of the Norad Results Report 2011: Aid and Conflict

Panel discussion: Members of Norwegian Parliament, moderated by Bjørn Hansen

*) This session from 12-13 will be held in Norwegian

13.00 – 14.00: Peace practice experiences

  • Save the Children Norway: The role of children and young people in building peace
  • Norwegian Church Aid: Interreligious dialogue and reconciliation
  • Norwegian People’s Aid: Dilemmas with supporting people in struggle and then in Government: the example of South Sudan

14.00 – 14.45: Questions and plenary discussion, moderated by Bjørn Hansen

Published 16.11.2011
Last updated 16.02.2015