
The evaluation process

Evaluations commissioned by the Department for Evaluation normally follow the pattern below.

  • The Department for Evaluation decides to initiate and an evaluation. This is based on a two-year evaluation programme, but amendments may be done to the programme following changes in internal and external conditions: Not all evaluations in the programme will be carried out and new ones may be added.
  • The Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Climate and Environment can also decide on additional evaluations to those decided by the Department for Evaluation. In such cases, the Department for Evaluation decides on the mandate (the Terms of Reference) for the evaluations.
  • The Department for Evaluation familiarizes itself with the programmes/strategies to be evaluated, and consults stakeholders and experts in the field. In some cases, the Department commissions pre-studies from external experts. In some cases, formal reference groups are established for the evaluation.
  • The Department for Evaluation develops the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the evaluation. Normally, a draft ToR is shared with selected stakeholders for comments before concluding on a final version. The distribution of the draft is restricted to ensure that no potential evaluators see the ToR, so that all tenderers bid on equal terms.
  • The assignment to carry out the evaluation is usually published in an open international tender via Doffin, mirrored at Tender Electronic Daily (TED). Relatively smaller assignments (below NOK 500.000) may be subject to other procedures not involving open tenders, to save time and administrative resources. Sometimes, the Department for Evaluation does some of the evaluation work itself.
  • Upon assessment of the tenders, an evaluation team is selected to carry out the evaluation according to the Terms of Reference and stated principles and quality standards of OECD DAC and the Department for Evaluation.
  • The selected evaluation submits an inception report after an initial start-up period (typically around 8 weeks), presenting initial findings and a more detailed about how the team plans to proceed with the evaluation (evaluation design). The inception report is subject to approval by the Department for Evaluation upon consultation with selected stakeholders.
  • The evaluation team carries out the evaluation according to the inception report and in close interaction with stakeholders. When evaluations involve country visits, dissemination and discussion workshops/seminars are held among stakeholders in the country.
  • The evaluation team submits a draft evaluation report, subject to approval by the Department for Evaluation upon consultation with selected stakeholders. In case stakeholders disagree with the conclusions of the report, they are entitled to have their views reflected in the report.
  • The Department for Evaluation submits the evaluation report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Climate and Environment (depending on which Ministry that is in charge of what is evaluated) together with a letter presenting the Department for Evaluation’s views on the evaluation and the Department for Evaluation’s own recommendations based on the evaluation report.
  • On the basis of this letter, the responsible ministry assesses whether there is a need for decisions and/or follow-up plans, including possible publication of these.
  • The report is published at norad.no, together with the follow-up letter, as well as the follow-up plans from the ministries where such have been decided.
  • The Department for Evaluation provides information from the reports and communicate findings from evaluations in an appropriate manner to stakeholders and the general public, for instance by seminars, news releases and social media. They also publish an annual report on the evaluation task.
Published 5/14/2024
Published 5/14/2024
Updated 5/14/2024
Updated 5/14/2024