Call for proposals

Call for Proposals: Supporting Civil Society in Ukraine

Children holding hands

Read the full call for proposals here.

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Ukraine is at war, and while survival and rebuilding is at the forefront of attention, the country is also undergoing democratic reforms with the objective of becoming a member of the EU. Civil society in Ukraine is strong and plays a key role for this development trajectory.   

“The Nansen Programme aims to contribute to a well-functioning, democratic, and safe Ukraine. For Norway, it is important to support civil society’s contributions to these efforts. We are therefore increasing our support. The funding scheme is aimed at all types of organisations and will especially prioritise those that reach target groups outside of Kyiv,” says Director General of Norad, Bård Vegar Solhjell.  

The support period runs from 2024 to 2027, and NOK 70 million is set aside for the application-based funding scheme. The funding scheme is based on the principles of the Nansen Programme, the main purpose of which is to enable Ukraine to decide its own future.  

“Civil society plays a unique role in Ukraine, and its strong position was key to the Revolution of Dignity in 2014. Civil society is crucial when it comes to Ukraine’s ability to defend itself and will also be important in the recovery and development of the country in the coming years,” says Director of the Nansen Programme for Ukraine, Jorun Nossum. 


Application criteria 

“We are looking for network organisations or consortia that can work with smaller organisations, and support regions and groups that are difficult to reach. Applicants need to have previous experience of providing small grants to local Ukrainian organisations, as well as capacity-building,” says Nossum.  

International, Ukrainian, Norwegian, or other foreign network organisations can submit individual applications or apply as part of a consortium. Local Ukrainian organisations, for example non-governmental organisations, special interest groups (such as women’s organisations), trade unions, religious organisations, or independent media organisations can be partners.  

The support scheme does not cover humanitarian aid or support for the military, for profit private business or UN organisations. Norway’s funding for such organisations is covered as part of other funding schemes. 

Read the full call for proposals here. The application deadline is 19th June 2024. 


The Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine 

Other relevant information and links:

Published 5/17/2024
Published 5/17/2024
Updated 5/17/2024
Updated 5/17/2024