Seminar: Evaluation of Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka

What can we learn from Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka? What, if anything, could have been done differently? How did Norway as a facilitator understand the conflict and how it evolved?

These are some of the questions  in an independent evaluation of Norwegian peace efforts in Sri Lanka. The evaluation team was asked to “tell the story” about the Norwegian facilitation during the period from 1997 to 2009 and to contribute to international debate and learning about peace processes.

  • The evaluation has been commissioned by the Evaluation Department in Norad
  • Carried out by Christian Michelsen Institute together with the School of Oriental and African Studies.

Open seminar

The final report will be presented at an open seminar at Litteraturhuset, Wergelandssalen, Friday 11 November, 12:00 - 3:00 PM. For registration and the programme, follow this link (Norwegian webpage).

The seminar has two parts: 

First, the Evaluation Department will present the report followed by comments from the Minister for Environment and Development, Erik Solheim, and questions from the audience. 

Second, there will be a panel debate led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with national and international participants in the peace process.

Published 07.11.2011
Last updated 16.02.2015