Presentation of new World Bank report: Recipe for a livable planet

Date: Wednesday 12. June 2024
Time: 09.00 - 10:30
Place: Norad (Bygdøy Allé 2) Info center 5. floor and livestream

A new report from the World Bank presents how the system that feeds us is also feeding the planet’s climate crisis. Production of the food that we consume is a bigger contributor to climate change than many think. It generates almost a third of GHG emissions and is projected to increase unless action is take. To protect our planet, we need to transform the way we produce and consume food. Not only would inaction bring job losses, disrupt food supplies and pose increased risks for food security. It would also make our planet unlivable. We need food production that is sustainable in terms of emission reduction and that can withstand climate change.

This new World Bank report, lays out a recipe for transforming the agrifood system from an adversary to an ally in the fight against climate change. The authors show that there are affordable and practical measures currently available to get agrifood system emissions to net zero and that we already have some of the tools available.

What role can Norway play in this transformation and how can we support transformation through our development cooperation?

Two of the authors will present the report at Norad on June 12th followed by discussion.

Coffee and light snack will be served.

The report is available here: Recipe for a Livable Planet (

World Bank presenters:

  • William R. Sutton is the global lead for the World Bank’s Climate-Smart Agriculture program and lead agricultural economist in the Agriculture and Food Global Practice. He holds a PhD and MS in agricultural and resource economics from the University of California, Davis
  • Alexander Lotsch is a senior climate finance specialist with the World Bank’s Agriculture and Food Global Practice, where he shapes strategic engagement on climate finance, climate analytics, and food system transformation. He holds a PhD in earth system science and an MA in geography from Boston University, and undergraduate degrees in physical geography from Free University Berlin and in agricultural sciences from Humboldt University Berlin

The event will be livestreamed. A link to the livestream will be made available and available on this page ahead of the event. 

Click here to register.

Published 04.06.2024
Last updated 04.06.2024