Norwegian aid in numbers

See Norwegian aid statistics and results from 1960 up until today.

Aid Results is a portal for statistics on and results of Norwegian development aid. The portal seeks to increase transparency about where and how Norwegian development aid is used and the results the aid produces for poor countries and people. Click here to go to the portal

"Tall som teller"

In a world of war ancd conflict, humanitarian needs are enormous. An ever growing part of Norwegian and international aid goes to countries plagued by conflict. At the event Tall som teller, Norad presented the official, Norwegian aid statistics for 2023.  See the recording here (Norwegian only).

Read the report Tall som teller - Statistikk over norsk utviklingsbistand i 2023. (Norwegian only)

Published 7/18/2024
Published 7/18/2024
Updated 7/18/2024
Updated 7/18/2024