Evaluation of Norwegian Efforts to Ensure Policy Coherence for Development

About the publication

Published:May 2018
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Theme:Offentlig forvaltning
Number of pages:80

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

Policy Coherence for Development means working on wider aspects of development in addition to development aid, such as trade, migration, investments, climate change and security. It goes across government departments, and includes coordination with other national and international actors.

Norwegian governments have expressed their commitment to ensuring Policy Coherence for Development on several occasions, latest in the Jeløya Declaration, which constitutes the political platform of present Prime Minister Erna Solberg’s government (2018). Norway is also committed to achieve the sustainable development sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030 where Policy Coherence for Development is a specific target (SDG 17).

The purpose of this evaluation is to contribute to:

  • Increased knowledge on initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other Norwegian actors to ensure policy coherence for development
  • To shed light on dilemmas emerging from contradictions between international development objectives and other Norwegian objectives, and
  • How Norwegian efforts to ensure policy coherence for development looks like at country level. Myanmar is a case study in the evaluation because an increasing number of actors, both traditional and non-traditional development actors, have engaged in the country in the recent years. 

The evaluation period is from 2008-2017.

The evaluation was carried out by a team from Fafo Research Foundation in collaboration with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO).