Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management

About the publication

Published:March 2018
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Theme:Offentlig forvaltning
Number of pages:79
Serial number:4/2018

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The evaluation team has assessed the Norwegian aid administration’s practice of results-based management and how this affects partners, such as civil society organisations and multilateral organisations.

The evaluation is limited to how Norad and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) practice results-based management from Oslo. Bilateral aid managed from the embassies has not been included. The evaluation team has not considered the practice of results-based management by partners.

The Evaluation team has conducted 14 cases studies, and interviewed 83 people in the MFA, Norad and in partner organisations. The team has also gone through archived material and relevant literature.

The purpose of the evaluation is to contribute to improved results-based management by documenting how results-based management is practiced, and identify strengths and weaknesses, including areas that can be improved.

The Evaluation was commissioned by the Evaluation Department in Norad and conducted by Itad and Chr. Michelsen Institute.