Evaluation of Norway’s Engagement in Somalia 2012–2018

About the publication

Published:October 2020
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Theme:Humanitær bistand, Konflikt, fred og sikkerhet, Demokrati
Number of pages:121
Serial number:7/2020

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The evaluation has looked at Norway's engagement in Somalia during the period 2012-2018. The evaluation has assessed the effects of the total Norwegian engagement, considered whether the engagement has been coherent and conflict sensitive and assessed how the Norwegian engagement has been adapted to a changing context. The purpose of this evaluation is to draw lessons from Norway's involvement over time in a country affected by conflict.

A considerable amount of Norway's support goes to conflict-affected countries. Such support requires different approaches than support to more stable countries. Because the challenges are complex, there may be a need for peacebuilding, humanitarian aid and long-term development assistance at the same time. Previous evaluations have pointed out that good contextual knowledge is crucial for robust development aid.

On this background, the Evaluation Department has initiated evaluations examining overall Norwegian support in selected countries in fragile situations. An evaluation of Norway's engagement in South Sudan was conducted earlier this year. The evaluation of the engagement in Somalia is the second of these evaluations.

The evaluation was carried out by the Danish consulting company Tana Copenhagen, in collaboration with the Chr Michelsen Institute (CMI) on behalf of the Evaluation Department in Norad.