Quality Assessment of Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation (2018–2019)

About the publication

Published:November 2020
Type:Evalueringsstudier, Evalueringer
Theme:Offentlig forvaltning
Number of pages:90
Serial number:6/20

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

This study has assessed the quality of reviews and decentralised evaluations commissioned by Norad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Royal Norwegian Embassies in 2018 and 2019. 55 evaluations, and 39 Terms of References have been assessed.

Decentralised evaluations constitute an important source of knowledge about the effectiveness and relevance of Norwegian aid programmes. It is therefore essential that these evaluations are credible and relevant so that they can be used to improve Norwegian aid.

The study is one of two follow-up studies from an evaluation published by the Evaluation Department in 2017, which found the quality of reviews and decentralised evaluations to be questionable. A later study will assess reports from 2020. The studies are initiated to continue the work of improving the quality of decentralised evaluations, to ensure that they become an even better management tool and provide learning.

The study is carried by Ternström AB on behalf of the Evaluation Department in Norad.