50 Years of Energy Cooperation Tanzania - Norway

About the publication

Published:June 2021
Number of pages:51

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

Tanzania has been a prioritized country for development cooperation since the mid-1960s. In the early 1970s energy became an area of focus under this cooperation. The Tanzania – Norway 50 Years of Energy Cooperation report captures some of the history and main achievements of a 50-year long partnership between the two countries. 

The cooperation on energy has covered a wide range of support to the energy sector. It started out with mapping of Tanzania’s hydropower potential, which led to the design and construction of three hydropower plants with total capacity of 328 MW, equal to 60 per cent of Tanzania’s installed capacity. In recent years focus has been turned to ensure optimal operations and maintenance of the hydropower resources of Tanzania, leading to combined savings of up to USD 20 million. 

The report covers 50 years of cooperation on competence building of individuals and capacity building of key institutions. More than 40 master students from Tanzania have graduated from NTNU in Norway, getting their degree in hydropower development. Norwegian support has contributed to professional training of more than 700 female engineers, requiring this training to become certified as engineers. Some of these now hold senior positions within key energy institutions. 

Support to electrification of both mainland Tanzania, as well as Zanzibar is also covered in the report. About 30.000 households or 143.000 people have gained access to electricity through the support to the Rural Energy Agency program.  In the report you can read about some of the 1000 business owners and 350 entrepreneurs who received training through a program supported by Norway. Access to electricity coupled with business training was crucial for the success of these businesses, who reported an increase in profits of around 135 per cent in one year.  

The nearly 35-year cooperation with Zanzibar has included extension of the distribution network to more than 232 villages and supplying the whole island of Pemba with more reliable power from the mainland through a sub sea cable, co-financed by Norway. 

The report highlights that Tanzania and Norway has developed a unique relationship within the energy sector over the last 50 years. The cooperation been conducted in a spirit of friendship, openness and mutual respect, and the recognition that a long-term perspective is key.