Evaluation programme 2022–2024

About the publication

Title:Evaluation programme 2022–2024
Published:May 2022
Carried out by:Norad
Number of pages:20

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

Evaluation is an important instrument for an effective development policy. While different parts of the Norwegian development aid administration are responsible for reporting the results of individual aid interventions, the Evaluation Department has a particular responsibility for documenting the degree to which Norwegian development assistance is effective, relevant, and achieves the expected results.

The department is governed under a separate mandate and reports directly to the Secretaries General of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. The work of the department is carried out according to the principles described below.

Evaluations shall:

  • be conducted independently of those who are responsible for the administration and implementation of programmes and projects;
  • be conducted in accordance with recognised professional evaluation methods and principles;
  • seek to elucidate relevant issues;
  • put forward operational recommendations that may be utilised in the preparation of budgets and in further development of the activity being evaluated;
  • contribute to a constructive and open debate.

The evaluation programme has been developed in consultation with actors within and outside of the aid administration. The evaluation projects have been selected based on an assessment of significance, uniqueness and risk in Norwegian development cooperation, also taking account of the issues that are anticipated to be relevant during the programme period.

The programme may be adjusted based on changes in needs and preconditions. The programme and the status of planned and ongoing evaluations can be found on our webpages at norad.no/evaluation.