Joint Review of GRID-Arendal’s cooperation with Norad

About the publication

Published:December 2022
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:Scanteam
Commissioned by:Norad
Number of pages:59

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The report presents an assessment carried out by Scanteam AS of GRID-Arendal’s programme with Norad support, as outlined in the Grant Agreement QZA-21/0199.

The review found that GRID-Arendal is playing an important and effective role, to the satisfaction both of partners and donors. Even though there are several areas that could be improved, all stakeholder interviewed mentioned that GRID-Arendal is a professional organization with a highly dedicated staff. There are few or no other organizations in the specific niche role that GRID-Arendal is playing. It is therefore important in the implementation of Norwegian environmental policy and as support for UNEP. Especially appreciated is the ability of translating complex issues into a more easily understandable language and form, along with the flexibility to take on new important tasks on relatively short notice. GRID-Arendal’s projects work is divided into four programme areas: Polar climate and mountain regions, Environmental crime and transboundary governance, Marine Environment, and Waste and marine litter.