Mid-Term Review (MTR) Report for the Family Strengthening Programme (FSP) SOS Malawi

About the publication

Published:November 2022
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:EUGENIO NJOLOMA/Amoe Consulting
Number of pages:81
Serial number:04/2022

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

With funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), SOS ChildrenÕs Villages Malawi (SOS CVM), in partnership with SOS Norway, is implementing a five-year program (2020-2024) known as Family Strengthening Program (FSP) with an overarching objective of ensuring that ÒChildren and young people deprived of parental care
have an equal chance to succeed in life.Ó For this goal to be attained, the program aims at ensuring that (a) families provide adequate care and protection for vulnerable children; (b) children and young people have improved learning outcomes; (c) young people have access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR); and (d) government prioritizes the implementation of UN Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. The program responds to NORADÕs development commitments to Malawi as well as to both global and local commitments including, for example, SDGs, UNGACC, CEDAW, NYP, MGDS III, NEA, NPAGBV, CCPJA, just to name a few. From the Theory of Change, it is clear that SOS CVM endeavours to attain these changes by means of creating resilience among the targeted communities and beneficiaries through empowerment as well as ownership of the means and processes to their own socio-economic liberation. The organization, thus, employs a catalytic approach that only seeks to push-start the engine of growth and resilience with a hope that the communities themselves would maintain the rev.