Mid-Term Review Report for the SEAQE 2 project - ADRA

About the publication

Published:April 2022
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:Catherine Johnston, Andrea Costa and Kabira Namit
Number of pages:31
Serial number:06/2022

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

Children in SEAQE 2 project countries have not escaped the devastating impacts of COVID-19 and school closures on their education, health and wellbeing. The picture that has emerged from global studies on the impacts of COVID-19 and school closures on children’s learning is bleak. Learning
losses are profound and inequitable, with large disparities being seen both within and across countries. At the same time, the fundamental role of school in protecting children and supporting their health and wellbeing has become abundantly clear as children face increased protection, health
and wellbeing risks because of the profound impacts of COVID-19 and school closures.

Every country in the SEAQE 2 program has experienced additional challenges. Alongside navigating the COVID-19 crisis, internal conflicts and disasters have disrupted education services and caused widespread displacement of populations in the two years since SEAQE 2 began.