Mission report for review of DHIS2 for EMIS

About the publication

Published:July 2022
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:ALLAN FINDLAY
Number of pages:0
Serial number:02/2022

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The primary objectives of this review were to assess the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the University of Oslo's (UiO) District Health Information Systems 2 (DHIS2) for Education Management Information Systems (EMIS). The review draws on current knowledge on
the digitalization of EMIS, covering country based on global components of the UiO platform.

The review approach consisted of initial documentation reviews, attendance at a weeklong DHIS2 for EMIS Academy reviewing the Academy approach and getting feedback from a range of stakeholders and other interested parties. In addition, there was a mission to one of the implementing Countries (Uganda), and peer reviews of findings through a review committee. It was conducted between April and July 2022. The product being reviewed, “DHIS2 for EMIS” is an open source/public good product which means all software is free of charge, and any applications developed are made available to the user community free of charge also.