LO’s Global Programme on Trade Union efforts to combat Modern Slavery in Ethiopia and Ghana

About the publication

Published:August 2023
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:Dr. Michael Karanja, PhD and Angela Lomosi
Area:Etiopia, Ghana
Number of pages:57
Serial number:17/2023

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The LO-Norway global Program on trade union efforts to combat modern slavery in Ethiopia and Ghana is a three-year programme that aims to reinforce the legal instruments and policies on child labour, forced labour and trafficking; mobilize trade unions to be a constructive partner for companies in preventing child labour and forced labour, and protect vulnerable groups against modern forms of slavery.
The program commenced in March 2020, and this mid-term evaluation of the programme was carried out during December 2022 with the shared desire to review the overall implementation of the programme and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the cooperation. It was an evaluation of the programme to learn and improve conditions for enhanced implementation during the remaining programme period. The review process was guided by questions focusing on the relevance, efficiency, challenges, and sustainability of the cooperation.
It was noted that there is a discrepancy between the planned results and the budgeted activities in Ethiopia. The CMS project was supposed to leverage on the Decent Work Program but the coordination between the two projects has been weak yet crucial for success as per the theory of change. In Ghana, there is good collaboration with the Decent work program and the results framework and targets are well elaborated and feasible.