Mental Health Project (YNLM Indonesia)

About the publication

Published:August 2023
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Carried out by:Ryan Sugiarto, Bonar Saragih and Nancy Naomi G.P Aritonang
Number of pages:32
Serial number:18/2023

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

YNLM implemented Mental Health Project (MHP) in Helvetia Tengah Village since 2019. Helvetia Tengah is known as the second highest population density in Medan City, with a population of 37,243 people, the majority work as laborers, with education level mostly at Junior High School (SMP).
At the beginning, MHP was developed as a pilot project, then expanded as a long-term project started from 2020 until 2024. MHP project has 3 objectives: 1). Reduce stigma of people with mental disabilities (PWMD); 2. Access to quality health services; 3. Community of Helvetia Tengah is mobilized to address the situation of PWMD.
During the 2 years (2020 – 2022) of implementing MHP, YNLM was faced with various restrictions due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic. However, from the project monitoring, it appears that YNLM was manage to carry out several activities that were able to achieve expected and unexpected results. There are at least 3 activities that have a significant impact: first, training and seminars on handling PWMD for caregivers, cadres and health workers; second, advocacy, campaign and networking; third, development of economic activities as a therapeutic tool for PWMD.
Training and seminars for handling PWMD enable caregivers, cadres and health workers to provide proper care and treatment for PWMD. Advocacy, campaigns and networking have succeeded in increasing stakeholder awareness (government and private) of their duties and responsibilities towards PWMD. This awareness is then translated into attitudes and actions that accept PWMD in joint activities. The development of economic activities further emphasizes the ability of PWMD to produce goods and services that are useful to society.
Finally, the community's stigma towards PWMD is slowly decreasing – although it is still limited to the Helvetia Tengah community. Access to quality health services – it is recognized – began to increase. And unexpectedly, started December 1, 2022 Medan City Government implemented the principles of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
But in the future, mental health service still needs more intensive and extensive action, especially in campaigning and advocating for the rights of PWMD; improve the ability of caregivers, cadres and health workers to taking care and treat PWMD; issuing a strong legal basis for mental health program from the Kelurahan (Peraturan Desa/Kelurahan) level up to the City Government (Peraturan Walikota); as well as optimizing the daycare scheme so that the process of integration of PLWD patients into society is effective.