Enhancing conflict sensitivity within the Norwegian Aid Administration

About the publication

Published:April 2024
Theme:Humanitær bistand, Konflikt, fred og sikkerhet
Number of pages:10
Serial number:1

NB! The publication is ONLY available electronically, and cannot be ordered on paper

The purpose of this Reflection Note is to distill and share findings from work carried out by the Department for Evaluation in Norad. These findings may be applicable in various contexts, such as ongoing development assistance within specific countries, regions, or thematic priorities. It provides some high-level pointers for how to operationalize conflict sensitivity.

The note consolidates knowledge from various evaluations and learning events conducted by the Department for Evaluation1. It focuses on conflict sensitivity and seeks to answer the following questions:

  • How and how well is conflict sensitivity integrated into Norwegian aid?
  • What are the challenges and opportunities for improving conflict sensitivity within the Norwegian aid administration?
  • How can Norway better align its strategies and operations with conflict-sensitive principles?