Aid for trade : Norway's action plan

About the publication

  • Published: November 2007
  • Series: --
  • Type: --
  • Carried out by: --
  • Commissioned by: --
  • Country:
  • Theme: Trade and transportation
  • Pages: 32
  • Serial number: --
  • ISBN: 987-82-7177-266-6
  • ISSN: --
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

The Norwegian Government is committed to cooperate with developing countries in their efforts to achieve economic growth and poverty reduction through increased participation in international trade. Norway will make special efforts to ensure that trade and globalisation benefit the weakest countries and population groups, empower women and are environmentally sustainable. Market access and other improvements in the terms of trade are important in this connection.

Published 16.01.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015