Improving Training And Research Capacity Of The University Of Fisheries, Vietnam : mid term review

About the publication

  • Published: March 2007
  • Series: --
  • Type: --
  • Carried out by: S. Cunningham, J. Hambrey, Pham Anh Tuan, Le Dinh Luong
  • Commissioned by: --
  • Country: Vietnam
  • Theme:
  • Pages: 81
  • Serial number: --
  • ISBN: --
  • ISSN: --
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

Started in the last quarter of 2003, the Project "Improving Training and Research Capacity of the University of Fisheries, Vietnam" is co-funded by the Norwegian Government and the Vietnamese Government for the period of 2003-2007. Cash contribution from the Norwegian Government and Vietnamese Government is NOK 17 million and NOK 780,610, respectively. The development objective is to make "contribution towards meeting needs of human resources in fisheries economic and aquaculture in Vietnam".

Project SRV2701 - Improving Training and Research Capacity of the University of Fisheries, Vietnam - is highly relevant to the needs of a rapidly expanding and economically important fisheries and aquaculture sector, and has been broadly successful. The project has delivered significant achievements in terms of staff training, networking, and teaching methods. Progress has also been made in research and research collaboration, and in University management.

Published 16.01.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015