Evaluation of the Norwegian Plan of Action for Nuclear Safety - Priorities, Organisation, Implementation

About the publication

  • Published: September 2000
  • Series: Evaluation report
  • Type: Evaluations
  • Carried out by: Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Geir Hønneland and Arild Moe
  • Commissioned by: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Country: --
  • Theme: --
  • Pages: 63
  • Serial number: 7/2000
  • ISBN: 82-7177-621-5
  • ISSN: --
Forside evalueringsrapport
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

Executive summary

This report is an evaluation of the Plan of Action for the implementation of Report No. 34 (1993–94) to the Storting On nuclear activities and chemical weapons in areas adjacent to our northern borders.

Published 31.12.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015