Evaluation of thirty eight Union Development Centres for Women in Bangladesh

About the publication

  • Published: March 1985
  • Series: Evaluation report
  • Type: Evaluations
  • Carried out by: The Foundation for Research on Educational Planning and Development (FREPD) Bangladesh in Co-operation with The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Development Cooperation (NORAD) And The Ministry of Social Welfare and Women's Affairs Government of Bangladesh
  • Commissioned by: Norwegian Ministry of Development Cooperation
  • Country: Bangladesh
  • Theme: Women and gender equality
  • Pages: 84
  • Serial number: 6/1985
  • ISBN: --
  • ISSN: --
Forside evalueringsrapport
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

Womenfolk in Bangladesh are in a deplorable socio-economic condition; they are required to stay mostly within the confines of their homes and outside the main stream of the country's development activities. The creation of awareness and development of appropriate skills are the two critical areas which deserve urgent, immediate attention. In this context the 38 Union Development Centres for women established so far, assume tremendous importance. Its evaluation is needed for deciding the future course of action.

Published 31.12.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015