Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme

About the publication

  • Published: September 1985
  • Series: Evaluation report
  • Type: Evaluations
  • Carried out by: Reidar Dale
  • Commissioned by: Norwegian Ministry for Development Cooperation
  • Country: --
  • Theme: --
  • Pages: 44
  • Serial number: 7/1985
  • ISBN: --
  • ISSN: --
Forside evalueringsrapport
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

The report does not present an evaluation in the usual meaning. Rather, it is a presentation of an approach to rural development. The cornerstones of the approach are partisipatory development and integrative and revolving planning. The approach has developed gradually and is a result of specific historic and present circumstances. Nevertheless, the experience in Hambantota has been met with wide interest, and a number of persons have termed this «a model for development».

Published 31.12.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015