Norwegian Development Aid Experiences A Review of Evaluation Studies 1986-92

About the publication

  • Published: July 1996
  • Series: Evaluation report
  • Type: Evaluations
  • Carried out by: Chr. Michelsen Institute Development Studies and Human Rights
  • Commissioned by: The Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Country: --
  • Theme: --
  • Pages: 86
  • Serial number: 2/1996
  • ISBN: 82-7177-429-8
  • ISSN: --
Forside evalueringsrapport
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

This analysis is based on a systematic examination of material on Norwegian development assistance in evaluation reports during the period 1986 to 1992, and other material on Norwegian aid from the same period, including some evaluations undertaken by other agencies, project reviews and a few other studies. The ten country studies comissioned by the Ministry of Development Cooperation between 1985 and 1990 have been consulted extensively.

Published 31.12.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015