The Evaluation of four Norwegian Consultancy Funds

About the publication

  • Published: October 1986
  • Series: Evaluation report
  • Type: Evaluations
  • Carried out by: Bjørn Henriksen, Jens Høgel, Dag Larsson (Team Leader)
  • Commissioned by: Norwegian Ministry for Development Cooperation
  • Country: Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Nicaragua
  • Theme:
  • Pages: 126
  • Serial number: 5/1986
  • ISBN: --
  • ISSN: --
Forside evalueringsrapport
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

This report describes the findings and presents the assessment, conclusions and recommendations of an evaluation study concerning four consultancy funds established with financing from the Kingdom of Norway in Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, the Republic of Nicaragua, and the Republic of Costa Rica.

Published 31.12.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015