Biodiversity and Climate Change, Peoples Republic of China

Project Review.

About the publication

  • Published: October 2013
  • Series: Norad Collected Reviews
  • Type: --
  • Carried out by: Norad, Chinese Academy of Sceince, Nording Consulting Group
  • Commissioned by: The Norwegian Embassy in Beijing
  • Country: China
  • Theme: Biological diversity, Climate and environment
  • Pages: 75
  • Serial number: 9/2013
  • ISBN: 978-82-7548-885-3
  • ISSN: 1894-518X
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

This Review of the Sino-Norwegian Project on Biodiversity and Climate Change ("the Project") has assessed performance, progress, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the Project. It has also assessed the relevance and addressed possible gaps and future perspectives of the Project. An assessment of the scientific quality of the research undertaken is however not part of this Review.

The assessment of the Project has shown that progress on the 10 different work components (Outputs) is good and according to plan. The project funds have been spent according to the initial budget. Weaknesses in the results framework (logframe) makes it demanding for the project management, and the Review Team, to assess to which extent the Project is on track in terms of achieving desired outcomes.

Published 26.10.2016
Last updated 26.10.2016