Mapping and Analysis of Humanitarian Assistance and Support in Fragile States

About the publication

  • Published: December 2018
  • Series: --
  • Type: Evaluations
  • Carried out by: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI)
  • Commissioned by: The Evaluation Department at Norad
  • Country: Palestine, Somalia, South Sudan
  • Theme: Emergency assistance and relief, Conflict prevention and resolution, peace and security
  • Pages: 41
  • Serial number: 1.18
  • ISBN: 978-82-8369-012-5
  • ISSN: --
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.

Information in English below

Evalueringsavdelingen planlegger flere evalueringer de nærmeste årene innen feltet humanitær bistand og innsats i sårbare stater. Denne kartleggingsstudien utgjør et bakgrunnsdokument for disse evalueringene.
Rapporten kartlegger norske mål og prioriteringer for humanitær og langsiktig innsats i sårbare kontekster, en tallmessig oversikt over norsk humanitærbistand i perioden 2008-2017 og en oversikt over norsk og internasjonal bistand til Sør-Sudan, Somalia og Palestina.
Kartleggingen av politiske mål og prioriteringer innebærer en tolkning av materialet til en viss grad. For deler av fremstillingen i rapporten har det vært uenighet mellom konsulentteamet og sentrale interessenter. Dette er reflektert i rapporten.

The Evaluation Department is planning to conduct evaluations in the field of humanitarian assistance and fragile states over the next few years. This mapping will serve as a background document for these evaluations.
The report provides a mapping of Norwegian policy objectives and priorities for humanitarian and long term engagement in fragile contexts; an overview of the volume of Norwegian humanitarian assistance in the period 2008-2017 and an overview of Norwegian, and global, official development assistance flows to South Sudan, Somalia and Palestine.
Policy mapping entails an interpretation of the material to a certain extent. In this mapping process, differences in interpretation of Norwegian humanitarian policy objectives and priorities between the consultant team and important stakeholders have been discussed. This is reflected in the report.


Published 17.12.2018
Last updated 17.12.2018