The implementation of the program of cooperation between The State Enterprises Workers’ relations confederation (SERC) of Thailand and LO-Norway

About the publication

  • Published: 2007
  • Series: --
  • Type: NGO reviews
  • Carried out by: Melisa R. Serrano and Porntip Pommart
  • Commissioned by: Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions (LO)
  • Country: Thailand
  • Theme: Employment
  • Pages: --
  • Serial number: --
  • ISBN: --
  • ISSN: --
  • Organization: Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions (LO)
  • Local partner: The State Enterprises Workers’ Relations Confederation (SERC) of Thailand
  • Project number: GLO-05/320-32
NB! The publication is ONLY available online and can not be ordered on paper.


The cooperation between SERC and LO started in 2001. The cooperation initially started with a series of seminars and trainings to enhance the capacity of SERC leaders in response to the failed attempt of the Thai Government to pass a bill establishing a National State Enterprise Holding Company. A Cooperation Agreement (2004-2009) was eventually signed between SERC and LO-Norway that focus on the institutional development of the former in four core areas, namely: trade union finance and administration, organizing and recruitment, education and training (including gender empowerment), and trade union democracy.


The Cooperation program has identified six short-term objectives:

1. To restructure the current union dues structure from a fixed based system to a percentage based system;
2. To recruit more affiliate unions from the state enterprises from the current 42 unions as well as pursuing internal recruitment in the existing unions to attain at least 90% membership of all rank and file workers in each state enterprise affiliate union.;
3. To strengthen existing Provincial Branches and establish 15 additional provincial branches in strategic provinces;
4. To conduct education and training programs to improve the capacity and increase the skills of officers and members of SERC;
5. To develop an effective gender program for SERC members; and
6. To review and develop a more representative democratic structure for decision-making to ensure trade union democracy.


1. review of related literature, analysis of written documents and records
2. interviews with key informants using both structured and unstructured questionnaires or interview schedules
3. observations
4. focus group discussions

Key findings

The report lists the following areas where there is room for improvement:
1. On the role of the Project Manager
2. On transformation of dues structure to percentage-based
3. On organizing and recruitment
4. On the provincial branches
5. On education and training and women empowerment
6. On trade union democracy and leadership development
7. On transparency of financial and operational activities


The recommendations from the report are being discussed in SERC and will be assessed in cooperation with LO-Norway. The recommendations on improvements and adjustments will be the basis for a possible new Cooperation Program for the period 2009-2012. Results of the evaluation will also input on LO's decision on future cooperation with SERC.

Comments from the organisation

LO-Norway and SERC will consider jointly coming up with specific indicators or standards of performance against which programs and activities will be evaluated.

Published 23.01.2009
Last updated 16.02.2015