Information meeting regarding Norway's recent call for proposals to strengthen the business sector in Ukraine

Norad is pleased to invite you to an information meeting regarding Norway's recent call for proposals to strengthen the business sector in Ukraine. This meeting will provide valuable insights into how the enterprise development initiative can benefit the private sector in Ukraine.

Event Details:

Date: 8th August 2024

Time: 15:00 (3:00 PM)

Location: Norad, Bygdøy allé 2, 0257 Oslo, 5th floor and digital

Format: Hybrid: in-person and online participation available. The link will be sent to registered participants 8th of august.


15:00-15:10 Welcome and opening remarks by Norad Director General, Bård Vegar Solhjell and Norad Director for the Nansen Support Programme, Jorun Nossum

15:10-15:15 Remarks by Elisabeth Svanheim Meyer, Division Director, Strategic positioning, tourism and special assignments, Innovation Norway

15:15-15:20 Remarks by NHO (Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise) by Area Director for Strategy, Member and Business Management, Kristian Enger

15:20-15:30 Presentation of the call for proposals by Norad Senior Advisers Andreas Karlberg Pettersen and Anatolii Kyryliuk

15:30-15:55 Q&A session from the audience

15:55-16:00 Concluding remarks by the Norwegian Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and its Chairman Ketil Bøe

During the meeting Norwegian representatives will share information on what, we will discuss the objectives of this call, what kind of activities can be supported and how interested parties can participate and benefit from this initiative. There will be opportunities to ask questions both online and offline. Your presence and input would be highly valuable as we explore ways to support and enhance business development in Ukraine.

For more information about the call please visit the official announcement: Support for enterprise development for Ukraine - stage 1 - Insights (

Please save the date, and we register to participate by following this link:



Published 08.07.2024
Last updated 08.07.2024