Three billion reasons : Norway's development strategy for children and young people in the south

Om publikasjonen

  • Utgitt: 2005
  • Serie: --
  • Type: --
  • Utført av: --
  • Bestilt av: --
  • Land:
  • Tema: Barn, Menneskerettigheter
  • Antall sider: 68
  • Serienummer: --
  • ISBN: 82-7177-779-3
  • ISSN: --
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir

This is the Norwegian Government's strategy for efforts to promote the rights and improve the living conditions of children and young people in the poor countries of the world. The strategy is intended to provide guidelines for Norway's work in this field up to 2015. It is also intended to be a reference document and a source of factual information about the situation of children. Since the authorities, non-governmental organisations and educational institutions in
Norway's partner countries are also relevant target groups, this document has been published in Norwegian and English.

Publisert 16.01.2009
Sist oppdatert 16.02.2015