Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation. Annual report 2012

The evaluation work in Norad seeks to document to what extent Norwegian development cooperation is relevant, effective and achieves the intended results. The goal is both to learn by collecting lessons, and to hold the aid administration accountable.

Om publikasjonen

  • Utgitt: 0
  • Serie: Evalueringsrapporter
  • Type: Årsrapport
  • Utført av: Norad
  • Bestilt av: --
  • Land: --
  • Tema: --
  • Antall sider: 48
  • Serienummer: --
  • ISBN: 978-82-7548-779-5
  • ISSN: --
evaluation of norw development coop 2012
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In 2012, we commissioned nine evaluations and studies, and we contributed to ten studies conducted by the evaluation offices at The World Bank and the UN Development Programme.

The topics are wide-ranging, from the Government’s Climate and Forest Initiative to the programme “Oil for Development”, from agriculture and food security to health, and from the rights of the disabled to aid in Afghanistan.

We also turn the spotlight towards our own department. Our evaluations are to show the results, both positive and negative, and in this way contribute to improved aid. But what are the results of the evaluations? Are they used?

Lessons from 2012

  1. The significance of thorough analyses of countries in conflict
  2. Good results obligate. Expand the good interventions
  3. Do not let “capacity building” become the new white elephant
  4. Evaluations need to be communicated better
Publisert 14.11.2013
Sist oppdatert 16.02.2015