Mid-term review of Capacity Building on Maintenance in Zanzibar Electricity Cooperation

Om publikasjonen

  • Utgitt: mai 2017
  • Serie: Norad-innsamlede rapporter
  • Type: --
  • Utført av: Norconsult
  • Bestilt av: Norad
  • Land: Tanzania
  • Tema: Energi og infrastruktur
  • Antall sider: 73
  • Serienummer: 7/2017
  • ISBN: 978-82-8369-283-9
  • ISSN: 1894-518X
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Mid-term review of Capacity Building on Maintenance in Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (2017)

The purpose of the mid-term review of capacity building on maintenance in Zanzibar Electricity Corporation (ZECO) was to assess the process and progress of the project in fulfilling its objectives and provide recommendations for the remaining period of the project.

The key review findings indicate that ZECO has made significant progress in upgrading the transmission lines in Unguja and Pemba, and the procurement of materials for the transmission lines have been below budget.

During the remainder of the project, emphasis should be on integration and institutionalization of the maintenance functions within ZECO, including assigning a preventive maintenance budget.

Publisert 05.09.2019
Sist oppdatert 05.09.2019