Addressing Risks in Trust Funds: Lessons Learned and Possible Responses

Om publikasjonen

  • Utgitt: mars 2020
  • Serie: Norads rapportserie
  • Type: Norad-rapport
  • Utført av: Arne Disch and Kirsten Sandberg Natvig
  • Bestilt av: Norad
  • Land:
  • Tema: Multilaterale institusjoner, Bank- og finansnæring
  • Antall sider: 14
  • Serienummer: 1/2020
  • ISBN: 978-82-8369-023-1
  • ISSN: 1502-2528
NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir

Multi-partner Trust Funds have increasingly become the preferred channel for funding of complex operations. While they are risk-sharing instruments, that does not mean they are risk-free.

This Note summarises lessons learned and presents possible steps for better risk management to desk officers and decision-makers who have Trust Fund responsibilities in Norway’s aid administration.

The Note focuses on financial risk, such as fraud, corruption and financial mismanagement, effectiveness risk, the danger that agreed-upon objectives will not be achieved, and the relationship between the two.

This Note addresses both general and specific issues when addressing Trust Funds, issues that may also be relevant for bilateral assistance.

Publisert 23.03.2020
Sist oppdatert 23.03.2020