Budget Support for the Third Economic Reform Support Grant to the Government of Burundi

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:November 2009
Utført av:Economics and Public Administration Department
Bestilt av:Norad
Tema:Multilaterale institusjoner, Budsjettstøtte
Antall sider:28

NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir

Foreword and acknowledgments

This report presents the findings from the desk appraisal of the proposed Norwegian budget support through the World Bank‟s Multi Donor Trust Fund for the Third Economic Reform Support Grant to the Government of Burundi. Norad‟s desk appraisal manager was Petter Skjæveland, Higher Executive Officer in Economics and Public Administration Department, and inputs were provided by Randi Lotsberg, Senior Adviser in the Peace, Gender and Democracy Department at Norad. The appraisal was commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Embassy Kampala. The main purpose of the desk appraisal was to assess the Burundian financial request to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the proposed Norwegian support to the World Bank‟s Third Economic Reform Support Grant. The desk appraisal reviews key aspects of the Third Economic Reform Support Grant process, the quality of the draft programme design and its elements, the risks, the sustainability of the programme and the progress to date of the Second Economic Reform Support Grant. The findings and recommendations of the desk appraisal will form a basis for the dialogue between the Embassy and the Government of Burundi concerning a possible Norwegian support. The Department of Economics and Public Administration in Norad would like to express its appreciation to the Embassy for good cooperation and facilitation of the desk appraisal.