Evaluation of Fredskorpset

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:November 2006
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:PEMConsult in association with Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Område:Kenya, Sør-Afrika, Tanzania, Uganda
Antall sider:95

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The evaluation covers the period from the establishment of the new Fredskorpset up until mid-2006, and the main purpose is:
a) to help determine how and to what extent the work of Fredskorpset concurs with the overall objectives of Norwegian development cooperation,
b) to provide recommendations regarding the future role of the organization, and
c) to provide useful data on performance and goal achievement as a basis for learning for Fredskorpset, partners and individual participants.

Fredskorpset is a relevant and reasonably effective mechanism for the implementation of the overarching aims of Norway's cooperation with the developing countries. By combining objectives of development in the South and increased knowledge and involvement in Norway, and by its particular modality of exchange of people, it fills a niche within Norwegian development assistance.

With an enhanced utilization of the opportunities which the exchange programme through partnerships offers for human resources development and capacity building in the developing countries it can become an example for other donors to follow.

Fredskorpset offers an excellent opportunity for individuals and institutions in Norway to participate in international development work. The individuals are getting exposure, knowledge and invaluable social and communication skills. Already experienced institutions have been given a mechanism to maintain relationships with partners, and newcomers among public and private sector organizations have been provided with a facilitating framework for
international networking and capacity building.