Evaluation of UNDP Support to Conflict-Affected Countries

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2006
Type:Fellesevalueringer, Evalueringer
Område:Sierra Leone, Guatemala, Haiti, Afghanistan, Tadsjikistan
Antall sider:0

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Nearly 33 million people around the world were rendered homeless last year due to violent conflicts. Crisis prevention and recovery is a core practice area for UNDP, with activities in conflict-affected countries constituting nearly 40 percent of its global expenditure in 2005. Given this significance, this evaluation assesses the performance of UNDP assistance to conflict-affected countries since 2000. This report is based on detailed case studies of six Security Council-mandated countries (Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guatemala, Haiti, Sierra Leone and Tajikistan). This was supplemented by a survey of 24 countries receiving support from the UNDP Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery.

UNDP Evaluation Office (EO) is responsible for the evaluation, which is supported by Norad under the partnership agreement with EO.