Evaluation Programme 2007–2009

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:September 2007
Antall sider:7

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The new programme for Norad's Evaluation Department is based on its mandate of May 2006. The Department shall evaluate all aspects of Norwegian development cooperation, and adapt its evaluation activities to new forms of development cooperation. In order to strengthen evaluation as basis for policy development, emphasis is on future priority areas in
Norwegian development aid.

In most of the evaluations focus will be on results. Consequently, in the planned activities for 2008 certain areas are prioritised. In addition to the bilateral state-to-state assistance emphasis is on support to civil society, aid to peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts and transitional support. Evaluation of aid through multilateral channels is still a challenge, which only to a certain extent is compensated for through evaluation cooperation with the World Bank and UNDP, and DAC-organised peer reviews of the evaluation functions of UN organisations.

This is a rolling programme and changes may occur. The implementation will at any time depend on available resources. Monthly updates of planned and ongoing evaluation projects are to be found on www.norad.no/evaluation.