Technical Support to the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in Angola

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Mars 2009
Utført av:Hans Øyvind Hvidsten and Erlend Nordby (Project Managers); Sigrun Aasland, Phil Swanson, Paul Robson and Sveinung Fjose (Task team)
Bestilt av:The Norwegian Embassy in Luanda
Antall sider:47

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The programme was carried out between 2001 and 2008 as an institutional twinning arrangement between the National Institute of Statistics in Angola (INE) and Statistics Norway (SN).

The main purpose of this report is to draw lessons learned to enable Norad, Statistics Norway and INE’s current and future partners to improve design and management of future statistical capacity building programs. The specific objectives of the review were to systematize the experiences of the project in relation to some key issues related to institutional twinning arrangements in the area of statistical development and institutional capacity building.

An additional purpose of the report is to serve as an input into Norad’s knowledge base on institutional capacity building and institutional twinning arrangements conducted through Norwegian agencies.