Lake Turkana Fisheries Development Project

Om publikasjonen

Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:C.E.P. Watson, V. Broch Due, S. Adholla, P. Gikonyo, J. Revold, E. Bjordal, J. Karuga Kihiu. J. Qkubu
Bestilt av:Norwegian Ministry of Development Cooperation
Antall sider:104

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The Governments of Kenya - Norway agreed to mount a joint mid-term evaluation of the Lake Turkana Fisheries Development Project during April - May 1985, with the object of assessing project performance to date, the projects Socio-economic impact and to make recommendations for future project activities. The evaluation mission, comprising four Kenyan specialists and four NORAD appointed consultants visited the Lake Turkana region between the 12th and 30th April, and conducted further investigations in Nairobi during early May.