Political economy analysis with a legitimacy twist: What is it and why does it matter?

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Desember 2010
Utført av:Eli Moen, Senior Adviser, Peace, Gender and Democracy Department, Norad, and Stein Sundstøl Eriksen, Research Professor, Department of Development Studies, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs/NUPI
Antall sider:28

NB! Publikasjonen er KUN tilgjengelig elektronisk og kan ikke bestilles på papir

This guidance note presents a way of analysing governance and statebuilding. It is based on an approach to political economy analysis that Norad has tried out and found helpful.

The approach implies adding an analysis of the legitimacy of the state to the standard political economy analysis. It is based on an understandingof he legitimacy of the state developed in work on fragile states in OECD/DAC.

The guidance note explains the basics of political economy analysis as used in international development, and the concept of the legitimacy of the state. The ambition is to provide practical information and advice that will make it easier for embassy and headquarter staff to detect situations when such analysis could be beneficial. The idea is that they then should contact Norad to assist with a tailor-made study.


Oslo, December 2010