Review of the Embassy’s Development Cooperation Portfolio: Climate Change and Environment “Climate Proofing and Greening of the Portfolio” (Nicaragua)

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Februar 2010
Utført av:Hans Olav Ibrekk and Evelyn Hoen
Bestilt av:The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Managua
Tema:Klima og miljø
Antall sider:46

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The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Managua (the Embassy) has requested the assistance from Norad to undertake a review of the Embassy’s portfolio to identify possible ways and means of addressing/integrating appropriate climate change and environmental concerns in existing programs and projects supported by Norway. The Review was commissioned in response to the increased priority given to climate change and environment in Norwegian development cooperation policy. This Review is intended to contribute to ”climate proofing” and a “greening” of the Embassy’s portfolio.

The rationale for Norwegian development cooperation is to support Nicaragua’s own effort to improve living conditions of its population in line with the priorities and goal of the National Human Development Plan (Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Humano – PNDH) and the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The Embassy’s portfolio has a clear focus on the following priority areas:

  • Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and the Environment;
  • Renewable Energy;
  • Good Governance; and
  • Human Rights, with special attention to Women’s Rights.

The Review Team was comprised of Hans Olav Ibrekk and Evelyn Hoen, both Norad staff.  The Team undertook a visit to Managua 24 – 30 January 2010. The review is based on desk studies, review of relevant literature and discussions with Embassy officials and counterparts in Nicaragua. The Team appreciates the assistance and hospitality given by the Embassy.

Norad submitted the draft report to the Embassy on 2. February 2010 and received the Embassy’s comments on 8. February 2010. Based on the received comments and suggestions the Review Team prepared the final report.

The Review Team has provided its independent recommendations and this does not indicate any commitment on behalf of the Embassy to provide additional funding. Based on the review the Embassy is expected to prepare a follow-up plan to be included in the annual business planning cycle.

10. February 2010