Support to Tanzania Traditional Energy Development

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:August 2010
Type:Norad-innsamlede rapporter
Utført av:Cowi, Annelies Leemans, Dag Hoystad
Bestilt av:Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dar es Salaam
Antall sider:44
Prosjektnummer:TAN- 2308

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The Project 

The Government of Norway supports the NGO Tanzania Traditional Energy Development (TaTEDO)s program ‘Integrated Modern Energy Services for Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction’ (IMESPORE) with 10 million NOK for three years (2008-2010). The goal of the program is to contribute to sustainable development and poverty reduction by enhancing access to sustainable modern energy technologies and services for consumptive and   productive needs in households, Small and Medium Enterprizes (SMEs) and social service centers in eight regions. TaTEDO uses three main complementary strategic channels to spread the use of clean energy and sustainable forest management: Firstly, establishing small and medium scale entrepreneurs. Secondly, close collaboration with local government and communities. Thirdly, support to local organisations.

Interesting Findings

  • The review team’s overall conclusion is that TaTEDO serves a niche in the energy service for which there is  a need. Their overall performance over the years has been steadily of good quality. The nature of their support requires funding for some time to come.
  • Strategic approach: TaTEDOs main approach to dissemination of modern energy is to establish and strengthen Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in this field.  This approach works well and has resulted in the establishment of 71 entrepreneurs. Some of the entrepreneurs have and are supporting others so the impact is larger than the reported numbers. Implementation of the program is however geographically wide-spread taking considerable resources. It is recommended to consider concentrating a heavy implementation to a geographically more confined area before moving on to the next area.  TaTEDO should consider a more demand oriented approach to select villages and develop a strategy and when necessary, exit the village/discontinue cooperation with the partner.
  • Technology: TaTEDO intervention has demonstrated that the main problems connected to widespread use of solid biomass can be avoided and dissemination of the technologies can be taken to scale. In some villages the entrepreneurs have established good business and improved cook stoves will soon be in use by the majority of the households.  The promoted improved wood stoves have proved to reduce fuel consumption substantially (40%-75%). Stoves with a chimney almost eliminate the smoke problem, reduce the heat in the kitchen and risk for accidents connected to open fires. The improved charcoal kilns introduced trough the program increase the useful output about 30%. Improved charcoal stoves cut charcoal consumption by half. Together the improved kilns and charcoal stoves have a potential to reduce the wood needed for production of charcoal for a household as much as 2-3 times.
  • Program design, monitoring and reporting: The current program document has a too long list of indicators and many of them measure input rather than results. The new program document should develop clear results, indicators and means of verification that measure the inputs and results, and –where possible- impact of the program. 
  • Gender equality: Many of the beneficiaries of the improved energy technologies are women and care is taken to involve both women and men. However, there is a need to increase the understanding and capacity to address gender equality of staff members and partners. Gender equality also needs to be incorporated in TaTEDO procedures, materials and monitoring system.
  • TaTEDO management: Generally TaTEDO cooperates well with partners and other institutions on the implementation of the program. At the national level TaTEDO cooperates well with relevant government ministries and is an initiator and main driving force in three energy networks. TaTEDO accounting complies with international accounting standards and practices to avoid corruption. TaTEDO approach to quality assurance and avoidance of corruption are according to common internationally accepted practices. TaTEDO staff is committed and dedicated to their work. Commitment of cooperating organizations and institutions varies. The planning process could have been more participatory and the program document used in a flexible manner.
  • Impact and sustainability: Over half of the key targets were achieved by 65% or more by the end of 2009. Some of the targets were already achieved, for example the number of active SME’s run by women (123%) and the number of stove workshop establishments facilitated (100%). A few targets are critical and may not be reached. The budget is not sufficient to procure the targeted number of Multifunctional Platforms planned due to an unexpected price increases. The target of planting 3 million trees is still a long way off and may not be reached. Of the remaining targets that have achieved less than 65% by the end of 2009, it is estimated that most will be achieved by at least 80%.                                               
    Successful entrepreneurs making a profit are likely to continue the production and sales of the cleaner energy technologies. Several are spreading the technologies by training others. At present most entrepreneurs still need support to become stronger. There is also a need to continued development for some of the entrepreneurs’ skills on marketing and after sales service in order to increase the request for their knowledge and skills. Sustainability of continued promotion, monitoring and support by the local government authorities is questionable when the incentives currently provided by TaTEDO ends, or when other more lucrative program are operational within their area. TaTEDO is financially dependent upon external funding and so far has only self raised 0%-20% of the annual budget. The Strategic Plan 2008-2010 proposes to offer services at cost and to share costs. There is a need to work out a strategy to increase own funding.