Evaluation of the International Organization for Migration and its Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking

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Utgitt:Mars 2011
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:Jacqueline Berman Mathematica Policy Research, Phil Marshall Research Communications Group (RCG)
Bestilt av:Norad
Område:Nigeria, Bangladesh, Kirgisistan, Makedonia
Antall sider:196

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This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and its efforts to combat human trafficking.  IOM staff is regarded as “highly skilled” and “very supportive.”

The report highlights capacity-building, awareness-raising, and victim support as areas where the organization has been successful. At this point however IOM is recommended to strengthening its internal processes including those relating to how progress is measured, which lessons are captured and feed into future programmed development and particularly those relating to ensuring that IOM’s expressed commitment to human rights consistently translates into practice.

Furthermore IOM is recommended to increase collaboration with other organisations in order to reduce overlap between its counter trafficking activities and the work of other organizations. With regard to Norway, the major recommendation is to increase the timeframe of project funding. Today IOM’s work is funded on a project-by-project basis – referred to as projectisation – with only three percent of overall funds coming from core operational resources.

One consequence of this form of funding is that IOM tends to create projects in response to donor requests, rather than having a more systematic frame or criteria for determining when and how to allocate resources to countries or programmes.