Informe Final de Evaluación Delproyecto Escuelas para la Vida

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:November 2011
Utført av:Marco Antonio Salazar Prieto
Bestilt av:Strømmestiftelsen
Tema:Utdanning og forskning
Antall sider:44

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Project Description and Background to Evaluation

In 2009 Fundación Alalay implemented the project in the communities of La Paz, El Alto and Santa Cruz in Bolivia. Its purpose is that children at high risk recover their basic rights, strengthen their learning skills, life skills and foster respect for the wellbeing of the children in the caregivers.

The project works with children from families in poverty, children who are in the process of housing recuperation and children at high risk of being expelled to the street from homes with high rates of abuse. The project targets children in the homes of Alalay (schools for life) and in public schools (classrooms for Life).

In its homes, Alalay develops a comprehensive program providing children with food, monitoring and remedial courses, technical workshops production (bakery, carpentry, textiles, etc.) and workshops on life skills. Alalay’s model includes the use of alternative methodologies and playful in their programs.

In public schools, the project implements tele-centers where through an interactive program, children learn about life skills. The project also works with parents of families, developing educational workshops, workshops on life skills, technical production, guidance and counseling.

It also trains teachers in educational institutions to strengthen their abilities to good treatment and education of children. Finally, the project promotes the formation of community networks to promote good treatment in local areas.


  1. To measure the progress towards the fulfillment of objectives and indicators.
  2. To analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the methodologies and strategies in the project.


The methodology is based on descriptive quantitative approach to measure compliance with the goals and the indicators as a proof of the achievement. It also has a qualitative dimension to further consideration of the findings. The instruments used included communication and mathematics tests, test of skills for life, structured and semi structured interviews, group interviews based on guidance (focus groups) and document analysis.

Key Findings

  • The results show that the Alalay has achieved success. This is noticeable in the work with socially disadvantaged children that have managed to recover acceptable social behaviors and skills expansion.
  • The results indicate that 21,7% children developed learning in Communication and 18,1% in Mathematics.
  • In terms of strengthening life skills, 57% of children in homes of Alalay, managed to fully develop those competencies. In public schools Alalay achieved this with 78% of the children. This shows the success of the model both at school and in the households of Alalay.
  • The validity of its model gives Alalay legitimacy to intervene both in guiding public policy and designing intervention strategies to integrate these policies. This implies, however, be aware to systematize the work so as to permit display the model in operation at its results.
  • 80% of parents recognize that participating in the Project has also added criteria and practices relating to good relationship with their children, particularly in communication, conflict resolution and ways of parenting. Also, 100% of the interviewed parents recognized the importance of the intervention in terms of improved academic performance at school and remarkable behavioral changes at home. Parents recognize that their children know their rights, especially with regards to protection and non-violence.
  • 80% of teachers estimated that thanks to the training received they are better able to recognize cases of abuse that may appear in students. The program has been incorporated into the school program, showing the effectiveness of the model based on developing good relationships and students and organizing support sessions. No significant results were reflected in the acquisition of concepts of culture of peace and good treatment practices in teaching practices.
  • Alalay has shown that it is able to form social networks in groups that traditionally are little sensitive to family issues, such as neighborhood committees. The inclusion and active participation of network members representing various institutions begin to take action to raise significant degree of public awareness.
  • The results highlight the validity of the model implemented by Alalay. The comprehensive model that combines effective prevention and protection programs. May form an inspiration for similar institutions in the country in the years to come.


  • In terms of sustainability, two major challenges have to be considered: a) additions to the model developed and b) a more decisive intervention in the field of public policies in education, to promote “socially responsible schools”, meaning more concern about the rights of children and a greater commitment from teachers and school leaders on the social and personal development of students.
  • Explain the intervention model with an overview the various components and how these influence and connect with each other. It should articulate the focus of therapeutic protection with an emphasis on restorative and preventive approach. Invest efforts and actions to enable the beneficiaries to generate their own answers to the challenges of life. This could allow Alalay make explicit its overall approach as more solid, coherent and consistent.
  • Make efforts to incorporate the model of educational support as part of the actions and dynamics of the school and not as a sideway strategy. It is important to note that the school model "classroom of life" is clearly articulated to the dynamics of teaching. The success achieved in the overall education is what matters for the purposes the project has been raised and which can impact on two levels: the formation and consolidation of network operations, and the impact on public education policies.
  • Something to be widespread and important, is that prevention efforts are directly related to the acquisition of educational skills, which moves to understand that children may be better able to cope with adverse conditions when they have a remarkable way, academic skills in language and mathematics as these skills can be understood as instrumental, that is, as tools for their own life projects.
  • An important aspect to consider is that the model can generate a positive classroom atmosphere that is now considered (Goals 2021, OEI) as one of the most important conditions that promote better student learning in schools. The evaluation notes that this process should be transferred to schools in both its preparation and implementation, through training courses or workshops as a basic proposal plans and teacher training programs. 
  • Incorporate in meetings and training workshops and awareness to parents, social modalities of therapy in order to enrich the views of those involved in sharing life experiences.
  • Should strengthen discourse articulating social networks so that their members can find a more meaningful and strategic vision for their actions. This is important given the number of affiliated institutions and networks are not without power struggles. Perhaps one way to survive networks is his speech to justify their stay.
  • Develop efforts to institutionalize the presence of social networks overcoming the possibility of the presence of its components. This will need to develop AOP integrated into the institutions that compose them. Thus, the existence, presence and activity of the networks may have continuity and sustainability.
  • Publicize the contribution has meant that a Neighborhood Council, a grassroots neighborhoods of cities in Bolivia, has assumed the task in its AOP, social responsibility by proposing a set of prevention activities. There are similar experiences in the country who have been promoted in this way for some other private institution.
  • Strengthen advocacy actions carried out by the institution in particular instances of social protection of the municipal and departmental levels.

Comments from the Organization

(this section to be filled by the staff responsible in SF's Regional Office)

The evaluation was developed in an atmosphere of collaboration and participation of stakeholders. The results for children are good both in terms of life skills as well as in learning skills. There are not seen significant achievements in working with parents and school teachers. It had significant impact with the formation of community networks, but its sustainability is still uncertain. It should be noted that the overall project had important achievements, but did not end processes to assert that the objectives were met in full.