Evaluation programme 2014-2016

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Februar 2014
Utført av:Norad
Antall sider:10

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Evaluation Department’s work is governed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ instruction for  the evaluation activity in Norwegian aid management, given by the Secretary General on 29 May  2006. According to this mandate the department shall prepare a three year rolling programme.  The selection of evaluation projects is based on the criteria of significance, risk and uniqueness,  in accordance with the government regulations for financial management.

The evaluation programme for 2014 – 2016 includes several thematic areas within the social  and economic sector, as well as initiatives such as climate and energy. Humanitarian aid and  support to peace-building are also covered. In addition to the evaluations, our department will  commission studies which will summarize findings across the various sectors. We will also be  looking at civil society by assessing for instance the use of umbrella and network organizations, while Norwegian support to multilateral organizations is primarily covered through the  department’s partnership agreements with the World Bank’s and UNDP’s evaluation offices.

The Evaluation Department strives to evaluate the main areas of Norwegian development  cooperation during a time period of three to five years. Through the evaluation programme we  try to strike a balance between thematic evaluations and more policy-oriented evaluations, as  well as evaluations of aid systems and channels.

The evaluation programme might be changed if new needs arise. The programme and a more  detailed overview of planned and on-going evaluations are available on our website